ABIF web tool (awt)
The abif web tool is a web front-end in front of abiftool. abiftool is Python-based software for parsing ABIF files. See /abiftool to learn more about abiftool and abif.
awt (abif.electorama.com) —
This is really where you should start. Just try it out.
Please join the Electorama community to meet other people interested in ABIF and awt.Contributing bug reports and feature ideas
Please file issues here: the awt issue tracker on Github
The abiftool home page has many more community links.
Future work
robla should get to that....Licensing
The primary author of abiftool.py (Rob Lanphier, a.k.a. "robla") has not yet fully decided on what the long-term license will be (it's currently licensed under AGPLv3). As of this writing (in June 2024), robla can probably be convinced to switch to an MIT, BSD, or Apache license of some sort, but isn't in a big hurry to futz with that. Visit electorama/abiftool#1 to discuss this topic.
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