- electowiki.org — A place to learn electoral-reform jargon. See /electowiki to learn more.
- election-methods (EM) mailing list — A place to discuss electoral-reform jargon.
- election-software (ES) mailing list — A place to discuss softare that implements election methods that use inscrutable jargon.
- Electorama Discord server — Another places to discuss electoral-reform jargon.
- abiftool — Different software related to electoral-reform jargon.
awt (the abif web tool) — A web interface for abiftool. abiftool in the cloud!
- plantsville — A 2013 example from the Center for Election Science using tasty fruit to explain approval voting.
- /oldstuff — Stuff robla gave up on (for now).
electorama.com is "maintained" by Rob Lanphier.